
2025 Höfer, Wolfram; Gallagher, Frank; Lindberg, Arianna; Oberg, Angela, Schlecht, Sebastian (edit.): Climate Bridge. An international perspective on how to enact climate action at the government public interface. Rutgers University Press. Edited collection of 21 essays, approx. 300 pages [associate editor]. In press.

2021 Gallagher F.J. Natural Transformation of Post-industrial Lands: Liberty State Park in Jersey City, NJ (USA). In: Di Pietro F., Robert A. (eds) Urban Wastelands. Cities and Nature Springer, Cham.

1998 Iozzi, L. and Gallagher, F. Environmental Issues Focus on Risk. American Forest Foundation.

Peer Reviewed Journals:

2025 Yan, H., Mitroff, N., and Gallagher F.J., Resilience of a Novel Urban Woodlot following a Pulse Disturbance Event. In development.

2020 Bakshi, A., Gallagher, F.J. Design with Fourth Nature. Journal of Landscape Architecture. 15:2, 24-35.

2020 Cullen, A.C., Farley, K.E., Pagano, S.S., Gallagher, F.J., and Holzapfel, C. All in the timing: potential pathways of seed dispersal by birds with two invasive Viburnum species. Plant Ecol. DOI 10.1007/s11258-020-01053-w.

2020 Salisbury A., Gallagher, F.J., Holzapfel, C. Plant diversity continues to increase after 40 years at an urban brownfield. Urban Ecosystems. 01018-x.

2018 Gallagher, F.J., Goodey, N.M., Hagmann, D., Singh, J., Hozapfel, C., Lithwiler, M., and Adams Krumins, J. Urban re-greening: a case study in multitrophic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a post-industrial landscape. Diversity. 2018, 10, 119; doi:10.3390/d10040119

2018 Feng, H., Wang, J., Qian, Y., Gallagher, F.J., Yu., L. Liu, C.W., Liu, H. Li., Y. Mahajan, M.D., Zhang, W., Eng, C., Jones, K.W.,Liu, C.J., Tappero, R. (Sub) Micro-scale investigation of Fe plaque distribution in selected wetland plant root epidermis. Nova Science Publishers. In Print 5/17

2018 Salisbury A., Gallagher, F.J., Caplan, J. Grabosky, J.C., Maintenance of photosynthetic capacity despite high load of trace metals in contaminated anthropogenic soils. Science of the Total Environment. 625:1615–1627.

2017 Qian, Y., Feng, F. H., Gallagher, F.J., Zhu, Q., Wu, M., Liu, C.J., Jones, K., and Tappero, Risk assessment and interpretation of heavy metal contaminated soils on an abandoned urban brownfield site. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24:23549-23558.

2017 Salisbury, A. Reinfelder J.R., Gallagher F.J., Grabosky, J.C., Long-Term Stability of Trace Element Concentrations in a Spontaneously Vegetated Urban Brownfield With Anthropogenic Soils. Soil Science. 182 (2) 69-81.

2017 Ravit, B., Gallagher F.J., Doolittle J., Shaw R., Muñiz E., Alomar R., Hoefer W., Doss, T. Urban Wetlands: Restoration or designed rehabilitation? AIMS Environmental Science. 4(3) 458-483.

2017 Wadhwa, S., Gallagher, F.J., Rodriguez-Saône C., Holzapfel, C., Analysis of fluctuating asymmetry in isopod and hardwood tree populations in brown fields. Journal of Environmental Indicators. 76 (2017) 42–51.

2017 Radwanski, D., Gallagher, F.J., Vanderklein, D.W., Schafer, K. V.R. Physiology and carbon allocation of two co-occurring poplar species (Populus deltoides and 2 Populus tremuloides) in an urban brownfield. Environmnetal Pollution. April Vol 23:497-506

2016 Feng, H. Yu Qian, Gallagher, F.J., Liu, C.W., Zhang, W., Yu, L., Jones, K.W., Tappero, R. Micro-scale study of trace metal accumulation and translocation in wetland plant root systems at a brownfield site. Journal of Environmental Sciences 4 1:1 72 – 1 8 2.

2016 June-Wells. M. Gallagher, F. J., Gibbons, J., and Bugbee, G., The Influences of Water and Soil Chemistries on the Structure of Lentic Plant Communities. The Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management. Vol. 32, No. 2, 116–132.

2016 Hoefer, W., Gallagher, F., Hyslop, T., Wibbelt, T., and Ravit, B., Unique Landfill Restoration Designs Increase Opportunities to Create Urban Open Space. Environmental Practice. 18 (2), 107-115

2015 Evans, J.M., Parker, A., Gallagher, F.J., Krumins, J.A. Plant Productivity, Ectomycorrhiza and Metal Contamination in Urban Brownfield Soils. Soil Science. Volume 180, Number 4/5, 198-204.

2015 Qian, Y., Feng, F. H., Gallagher, F.J., Zhu, Q., Wu, M., Liu, C.J., Jones, K.,and Tappero, R. Synchrotron Study of Metal Localization in Typha latifolia L. Root Sections. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 22, 1459–1468.

2015 Hagmann, D.F., Goodey, N.M., Mathieu C., Evens, J., Aronson, M.F.J., Gallagher, F.J. Krumins, J.A. Effect of Metal Contamination on Microbial Enzymatic Activity in Soil. Soil Biochemistry and Biology. 91 291-297.

2015 Gallagher, F.J. Caplan, J.S. Krummins, A.J., Grabosky, J.C., Root Growth esponse to Soil Amendments in an Urban Brownfield. Ecological Restoration. Vol. 33, No. 1, March.

2015 Krumins, J. A., N. M. Goodey, and F. J. Gallagher. Plant-Soil Interactions in Metal Contaminated Soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 80:224-231.

2014 Dahle, G.A., Gallagher,F.J., Gershenson, D., Schäfer, K. VR., and Grabosky, J.C., Allometric and Mass Relationships of Betula populifolia in a Naturally Assembled Urban Woodlot. Urban Ecosyst. 17:1147-1160

2014 June-Wells, M., Gallagher, F.J., Holzapfel, C., Evaluating Population Border Dynamics among Artemisia vulgaris and Community Constituents in Urban Successional Vegetation. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 141(1),

2014 Qian, Y., Gallagher, F.J, Feng F.H., Wu, M, Qingzhi Zhu. A biogeochemical study of plant uptake of vanadium on an urban brownfield site. Science of the Total Environment. 476-477:696-704.

2013 June-Wells. M. Gallagher, F., Gibbons, J., and Bugbee, G,. Water chemistry prefrences of five nonnative aquatic macrophyte species in Connecticut, USA: A preliminary risk assessment tool. The Journal of Lakes and Reservoir Management. 29:4, 303-316.

2013 Feng F.H., Qian, Y., Wu, Tappero M.R, Gallagher, F.J,, Wu, M. Zhang, W., Yu, L., Zhu, Q., Zhang, K., Liu C.J. Lead accumulation and association with Fe on Typha latifolia root from an urban brownfield site. Environ Sci Pollut Res 20:3743–3750.

2012 Renninger, H.J. Wadhwa, S., Schäfer, V.R., Gallagher, F.J., Vanderklein, D. Allometry and photosynthetic capacity of Poplar (Populus deltoides) along a metal contamination gradient in an urban brownfield. Urban Ecosyst 16:247–263.

2012 Qian, Y., Gallagher, F.J, Feng F.H., Wu, M. A geochemical study of toxic metal translocation in an urban brownfield wetland. Environmental Pollution. 166, 23-30.

2011 Gallagher, F.J., Pechmann, I., Isaacson B., and Grabosky, J., Morphological Variation in the Seed of Betula populifolia Marsh.: A Comparison of Trees from Metal Contaminated Soils. Urban Habitats. July.

2011 Gallagher, F.J., Pechmann, I. Holzapfel, C., Grabosky, J. Altered Vegetative Assemblage Trajectories within an Urban Brownfield. Environmental Pollution.159 1159-1166.

2010 Hofer C., Gallagher F.J., Holzapfel C. Metal accumulation and growth performance of nestlings of passerine bird species at an urban brownfield site. Environmental Pollution. 158:1207–1213.

2008 Gallagher F.J., Pechmann I., Bogden J., Grabosky J., and Weis P. Soil metal concentrations and productivity of Betula populifolia (gray birch) as measured by field spectrometry and incremental annual growth in an abandoned urban Brownfield in New Jersey, Environmental Pollution. 156:699–706.

2008 Gallagher F.J., Pechmann I., Bogden J., Grabosky J., and Weis P. Soil Metal Concentrations and Plant Productivity in an Urban Brownfield, Environmental Pollution. 153:351-361.

Editorials, Education, General Interest:

2024 Gallagher F.J. How tress are affected by climate change, ANJEC Reports, Local Environment Matters, Autumn. .

2022 Gallagher F.J. Gallagher F.J. Prescription for failure as history repeats itself at Liberty State Park. Jersey Journal July 6,

2021 Gallagher F.J. Caven Point, More than 21 Acers. Jersey Journal July1.

2020 Gallagher, F.J., Hozalfel, C., Krumins. J.A. Why start from scratch when Mother Nature has already gone to work on Liberty State Park interior. Jersey Journal. Nov. 04.

2020 Fernholz, K., , .Kuttner, B., , Gallagher,F. Metnick, J., Kaknevicius, J.,Urban Forest Management: An Opportunity for SFI. Sustainable Forestry Initiative, February 20,

2019 Gallagher F.J., Liberty State Park, A Study on Contamination and Redevelopment. Landscape Architect and Specifier News. 35:1 January.

2017 Grabosky, J.C., Ravit, E., Gallagher, F.J., Influencing the Outcomes in a Cycle of Redevelopment for the Good of Urban Canopy. American Society of Consulting Arborist. Volume 50, issue 3, pg. 4-10

2011 Gallagher, F.J. America's Great Outdoors: Our Nations Laboratory. American Forest Foundation. February 16.

2010 Gallagher, Frank, "The Places You Live: Bayonne N.J.", Orion, November/December, pg. 17.

2006 Gallagher, F.J. Exploring Environmental Issues in the Places We Live. American Forest Foundation. Contributing author and reviewer.

1998 Gallagher, F.J. Branching Out, Risk and Forestry. American Forest Foundation

1997 Gallagher, F.J. The Presidents Message. The Daily Planet. Vol. 10 No. 3.

1995 Gallagher, F.J. HEP Hits the Road. The Tidal Exchange Vol. 5. No. 1.

1995 Gallagher, F.J. The Presidents Message. The Daily Planet Vol.10 No. 2.

1993 Gallagher, F.J. Communication?, The Daily Planet Vol. 8 No. 2.

1990 Gallagher, F.J. Environmental Education, the Status of the Master Plan., The Alliance. Vol. 5. No. 1. .

1989 Gallagher, F.J., Kindervatter, D. Cent' Anni, A Railroad Reborn. New Jersey Outdoors. Vol. 16. No.5.

1989 Gallagher, F.J. Efforts Towards a Master Plan for Environmental Education. The Alliance. Vol. 4. No. 3.

1989 Gallagher, F.J. Professionalism in Environmental Education. The Alliance. Vol. 4. No. 2.

1989 Gallagher, F.J. Should the Three R's End in EE. The Alliance. Vol. 4. No. 1.

1987 Gallagher, F.J. Wildlife Photographs. Sussex County Voice.

1979 Gallagher, F.J. Management and Restoration Guide for Sussex County Lakes. Sussex County Water Quality Management Program. Sussex County S.C.D.